IPSO - 2013
New Results
New Results

Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

Editorial activities

  • P. Chartier is member of the editorial board of “M2AN"

  • P. Chartier is member of the editorial board of “ESAIM Proceedings"

  • P. Chartier is member of the editorial board of “Mathematical Analysis"

  • N. Crouseilles is member of the editorial board of "International Journal of Analysis" http://www.hindawi.com/journals/analysis/

  • A. Debussche is editor in Chief of “Stochastic Partial Differential Equations: analysis and computations".

  • A. Debussche is member of the editorial board of “Potential Analysis", Differential and Integral Equations.

  • A. Debussche is member of the editorial board of “Differential and Integral Equations".

  • A. Debussche is member of the editorial board of “ESAIM: Proceedings".

  • A. Debussche is member of the editorial board of the collection: “Mathématiques & Applications", SMAI, Springer.

  • M. Lemou is associate editor of “Annales de la faculté de Toulouse"

Conference and workshop organization

  • P. Chartier was a member of the scientific committees of SciCADE 2013 and ENUMATH 2013.

  • A. Debussche was the main organizer of the thematic semester Perspectives in Analysis and Probability organized by the Lebesgue Center in Nantes and Rennes from april to september (see: http://www.lebesgue.fr/content/sem2013-perspectives-analysis-and-probability ).

  • A. Debussche was in the scientific committee of the conference Probability and PDEs, Centro de Giorgi, Pisa, may 20-24, 2013.

  • E. Faou organized with J. Erhel (Rennes) and T. Lelièvre (CERMICS) the conference NASDPE13, Numerical analysis of stochastic Partial Differential equations, September 10-11, Rennes, France.

  • N. Crouseilles co-organized the workshop on AP scheme (with C. Negulescu, F. Deluzet, C. Besse), Porquerolles, France (9-15 june, 2013).

  • P. Chartier and M. Lemou organized a minisymposium on "Numerical schemes for highly oscillatory problems". ENUMATH, Lausanne, 25-30 august.

  • M. Lemou organized a minisymposium on "Asymptotic preserving schemes for kinetic and related models". Hong-Kong, 07-11 January 2013.

  • M. Lemou and F. Méhats were scientific advisors in the IHP semester Gravasco "N-body gravitational dynamical systems from N=2 to infinity" and were co-organizers of the workshop "Dynamics & Kinetic theory of self-gravitating systems" in this semester.

  • F. Méhats was co-organizer of the workshop "Confined Quantum Systems: Modeling, Analysis and Computation" in Vienna.

Administrative activities

  • P. Chartier is member of the bureau of the Comité des Projets at Inria-Rennes.

  • A. Debussche leads the Lebesgue Center with San Vu Ngoc (coordinator) and L. Guillopé.

  • A. Debussche is a member of the administrative board of the ENS Cachan.

  • M. Lemou is partly in charge of the Master 2

  • M. Lemou is member of the scientific committee of the Lebesgue Center (Labex)

  • F. Méhats is member of the CNU, Section 26.

  • F. Méhats is the head of the numerical analysis department of IRMAR.

  • G. Vilmart was partly in charge of the weekly numerical analysis seminar at ENS Rennes “Groupe de travail: application des mathématiques”.

  • N. Crouseilles was partly in charge of the weekly numerical analysis seminar at ENS Rennes “Groupe de travail : application des mathématiques”.

Talks in seminars and conferences, mini-courses

  • E. Faou was invited at the Séminaire de Mathématiques Appliquées du Collège de France.

  • A. Debussche gave a mini-course on Stochastic equations and control theory, in the conference Mathematical Control in Trieste, SISSA, Trieste, Dec. 2nd-6th, 2013.

  • A. Debussche gave a mini-course on Introduction aux EDPS in the school École Interdisciplinaire à Rennes, Rennes, oct. 8-10, 2013.

  • A. Debussche was gave a plenary talk in the conference Theory and Applications of Stochastic PDEs, IMA, Minneapolis, Jan. 14-18, 2013.

  • F. Méhats and M. Lemou were invited to give a course on stability problems in gravitational models in the IHP Gravasco semester.

  • G. Vilmart was keynote speaker in NASPDE workshop (Numerical Analysis of Stochastic PDEs), Rennes, 10-11 Sept., 2013.

  • G. Vilmart was keynote speaker in the workshop on Multiscale methods and Asymptotic-Preserving schemes, Porquerolles island, June 09-15, 2013.